— Creamy Corn Mushroom Soup —. This video is about how to make Creamy Corn and Mushroom Soup at home. This is a very quick and easy recipe and yields a delicious result that is perfect. Thick creamy soup made with the combination of mushrooms and fresh corn.
As I was looking through the recipes on the blog, I noticed that there are only seven recipes using corn, and since I want to make it an even number here's another new recipe.
I'll be making this one again.
I may make it into a corn chowder also.
Kamu dapat harus — Creamy Corn Mushroom Soup — menggunakan 11 bahan dan 6
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu masak itu .
Bahan-Bahan — Creamy Corn Mushroom Soup —
- Siapkan 150 gram , ayam.
- Siapkan 6 butir , jamur kancing.
- Siapkan 1 , tetra pack Del Monte Whole Corn.
- Siapkan 1 , tera pack Del Monte Sweet Corn cream style.
- Siapkan 1 siung , bawang bombay.
- Siapkan 1 sdm , tepung maizena.
- Siapkan 250 ml , susu full cream.
- Siapkan 500 ml , air.
- Siapkan 3 siung , bawang putih; di parut.
- Siapkan , Olive oil, gula, garam, black pepper.
- Siapkan , Keju secukup nya.
My daughter-in-law, a gourmet cook, served this cream of mushroom soup recipe as the first course for a Low calories for a creamy soup. Thanks Anne and other cooks who gave me the The best way to cook mushroom soup. I also add some shredded chicken breasts and corn. Every cook needs a good easy creamy mushroom sauce recipe.
Cara pembuatan — Creamy Corn Mushroom Soup —
- Potong ayam dengan bentuk dadu. Potong bawang bombay. Parut bawang putih. Potong jamur kancing..
- Tumis bawang bombay dan jamur dengan olive oil sampai kecoklatan..
- Lalu masukan potongan ayam dan air. Tunggu sampai mendidih..
- Setelah air mendidih masukan cream style jagung aduk aduk lalu masukan whole style jagung..
- Tunggu beberapa saat masukan tepung maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan susu full cream.
- Tunggu sampai mendidih. Masukan keju dan koreksi rasa..
It's perfect stirred through pasta and fantastic How do you make the best creamy mushroom sauce? Melt butter and olive oil together in a large frying pan How do I make mushroom soup base for pasta besides what u said in ur recipe. Who doesn't love a delicious bowl of creamy mushroom soup? A rich, delicious, hearty soup for cold winter days. Well, it not only makes me want to dance and sing, but it also makes me want to sculpt, write, create, and shout from the rooftops everything that is mysterious and wonderful.